W Christian Consulting

What could you be doing better?

April, 2016

Why Every Christian Should Join a Church

Over the past few months, I feel like I’ve been talking about church membership more frequently.  Most times it has been just sharing my thoughts with a few guys I’m discipling, but a couple times it has been almost a combative defense of church membership.  The Bible is clear that Christians are not supposed to […]

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Minimum Wages Need Not Be Arbitrary

For the past year or so, our Nation has been debating minimum wages.  Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, arguments on both sides are utterly indefensible because they are based primarily on emotion and full of conjecture and anecdotes.  To be sure, this same debate comes about every five to ten years and it will continue […]

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Hi! Hey! Hello, dear. (Punctuation and Salutations)

Dear Reader, Writing emails (Sadly, I never send letters anymore) always gives me more than a brief moment of frustration and anxiety because I often don’t know how to open then.  Should they be formal or informal, personal or professional, properly punctuated or commonly punctuated?  Similarly, I get a little anxious when I come to […]

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