W Christian Consulting

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Minimum Wages Need Not Be Arbitrary

For the past year or so, our Nation has been debating minimum wages.  Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, arguments on both sides are utterly indefensible because they are based primarily on emotion and full of conjecture and anecdotes.  To be sure, this same debate comes about every five to ten years and it will continue […]

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Maryland’s 4 out of 500 is Not Good Enough

Something is very wrong in Maryland. Recently I was looking at the Fortune 500 list and was shocked to see that only 4 of the 500 biggest companies in America claim the Free State as home: Lockheed Martin (#59), Marriott (#219), Discovery Communications (#460), and Host Hotels (#477). Not only is it below average, but it is also significantly […]

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My 2 cents on Minimum Wage

Since there’s been such a row over President Obama’s plan to increase minimum wages, let me offer my $0.02 regarding proposals to hike the federal minimum wage. My problem with POTUS’ minimum wage plan is not a “big business versus the little man” issue or that I think people should just accept that they live […]

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