W Christian Consulting

What could you be doing better?


Agile Family Vacations

Summer is almost here and that means summer trips are at your doorstep. If family travel stresses you out, let me suggest the Agile Family Vacation for keeping your sanity while you travel. When we were young, our family pioneered agile family vacations. We’d set out in the morning with only a map, a stack of […]

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What I Love About the American Flag

Let me tell you what I really love about our Grand Old Flag. It’s almost June 14, which every American should know as Flag Day but probably doesn’t because we don’t get off of work and most schools are already closed for summer. As I reflect on the greatness of the Stars and Stripes, what I […]

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How to Eat Crabs

Summer is on its way! For those of you new to eating the not-so-delicacy that is Chesapeake Bay Blue Crabs and those of you whose parents didn’t teach you properly, here are my tested instructions for how to eat crabs most efficiently. I don’t care what anybody says (even my wife), the Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab […]

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