W Christian Consulting

What could you be doing better?

More about AACPS Forms

Hey, Parents!  Perhaps you can relate.  We have three children.  That means that we complete the Anne Arundel County Public Schools Emergency Notification form in triplicate every year.  So that also means that we (well, my wife) have cramped hands on the second day of school.

Last year, it really struck me how ridiculous it was for us to fill out the same contact form so many times.  So, in the spirit of American ingenuity, rather than complain about it, I came up with a solution. We partially completed one form, photocopied it onto card stock, and completed it for each child.  And, yes, the schools accepted them.  This year, I got a little more creative and a little more advanced. I created a website that we will be using to complete the entire AACPS Contact form.  Not only is it easy for us, the school gets a neatly typed form that they’ll have no trouble reading.

I mentioned it last Friday, but here’s the site: http://ezforms.wchristian.com.  Take a look at it and let me know what you think.  There is a lot that I could do to make it prettier, but the immediate goal was to have it ready for when our children bring home those cards.

Sample AACPS Emergency Notification Card

A corner of the AACPS Emergency Notification Card as filled out using my new website.

If there is positive feedback, I’ll make it pretty for next year.  If you think of any features that might make it more useful, please let me know by commenting on this post or by contacting me directly.  For example, although right now nothing is saved on my website, I thought about an option to database the information so that it wouldn’t have to be typed in again next year.  I also thought about being able to type in the information for each of the children and automatically create a copy of the card for each child instead of having to go back and resubmit (which is still faster than hand writing it all in).Those are just some thoughts.  Please take a look and let me know what you think.